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Marmarth Research Foundation: In the Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota

Marmarth Research Foundation

In the Hell Creek formation of North Dakota

65 Million Years in the Making...

The Marmarth Research Foundation (MRF), a federally recognized 501(c)(3), was created for three reasons: education, curation of fossils, and research on fossil material. Since its formation, the foundation has made it a priority to cross boundaries and reach out to different groups and organizations. It has been featured in a number of news articles such as The New York Times and Fox News. Some of MRF's finds have been the focus of a National Geographic documentary and a Kingfisher Publications children's book. As a result, many students, teachers, and others have expressed their interest in participating in our educational field program. Furthermore, the Marmarth Research Foundation continues to collaborate with scientists around the world to assist with the study of the important specimens collected each year.
Recent news from Marmarth Research Foundation...


MRF works with the general public and schools to increase and diffuse knowledge to a larger audience. The foundation currently acts to raise public awareness of scientific knowledge by facilitating active learning in paleontological field techniques, by providing cast fossil material and information to teachers, by setting up fossil exhibits at schools, and by directly educating school groups by giving presentations.
Discover MRF's commitment to schools and education...

Scientific Research

MRF has a number of collaborative research projects with several institutions. Most of the research projects stem from the field work that is conducted each year. The MRF staff and volunteers have found a number of scientifically important finds including several new species of turtle and a mummified hadrosaur dinosaur.
Browse MRF's scholarly publications...


All fossils collected by the MRF will be curated in perpetuity at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

Palatobaena cohen
Discover the Field Laboratory
<em>Stygiochelys</em> foot

Stygiochelys foot
Turtle Ridge

Marmarth Research Foundation

P.O. Box 5
Marmarth, ND 58643

Phone: (610) 937-7916
(June-Aug): (701) 279-6601