"I have had some pretty exciting moments working in the entertainment business, but few can compare to standing on an 18-inch ledge, 75 feet in the air...digging a Torosaurus out of the side of a hill. MRF: They give new meaning to 'How I spent my summer vacation!'"
Steve Cohen, Long Island City, NY Retired Broadway Producer
"The most memorable and exciting aspects of the dig were the field and preparation lab discussions afforded by Tyler Lyson and Walter Joyce (Yale Peabody Curator). These allowed us to see the manifold connections among the excavation of fossils, geology, deep time, and theoretical models that allow relationships to be drawn among fossil forms and between extinct and extant life. MRF provided good supervision and ran a tight ship, but yet always conveyed a sense of joyful excitement about paleontology and its scientific potential. All things considered, my wife Pam, our granddaughter April, and I should like to join your dig again this year."
Tom Hollocher Retired Biochemist
"An excellent practical exposure to how paleontology is 'done.' The
whole spectrum is available, from prospecting, through extraction and
retrieval to preparation of fossils for exhibition - including making casts and molds."
John Akerley Retired engineer
"It was the adventure of a lifetime!"
Bob Gross, Swarthmore, PA Retired Swarthmore College Dean
"Stopped in for a day dig last fall. I have been to a few other digs, and they do what they say. I was blown away by the types of fossils that we saw and that MRF has collected. The staff was friendly and explained it to us as we went along. Worth the experience, and the fees are a great deal. We were never able to really dig at the other places we attended in the past. We did it all at MRF."
J. Johnson, North Carolina
"I had the best time in ND. I would love to go back and find more fossils and bones. Thank you MRF I will see you next year! Check out this page for more North High School dinosaur pictures."
Amber North High School Student
Prenocephale skull , 2006 Hell Creek Formation