Marmarth Research Foundation: In the Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota

Marmarth Research Foundation: In the Hell Creek formation of North Dakota

Palatobaena cohen
In situ <em>Palatobaena</em>

In situ Palatobaena
Turtle Graveyard

MRF provided good supervision and ran a tight ship, but yet always conveyed a sense of joyful excitement about paleontology and its scientific potential.

Tom Hollocher
Retired Biochemist

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Big Turtle Cove

Big Turtle Cove was discovered the last week of the 2009 field season by Stephen Floerscheimer. Much to the surprise to everyone, a seemingly shattered turtle shell, turned into a beautiful turtle shell that was almost 1 meter in diameter! While excavating around the large shell several other bones from this individual were uncovered including part of the bottom shell, neck, and lower jaw. A beautiful Eubaena cephalica skull and lower jaw were found washed up next to the shell.